Are you looking for the latest 99% Fail Impossible Obby codes to redeem in exchange for free money, God characters, items, and other in-game rewards? Then, you’ve come to the right place! 99% Fail Impossible Obby is a breath-catching Roblox game made by Thing Studio; the game was released in September 2021 and is inspired by some of the events on the Netflix hit series Squid Game.
In Fail Impossible Obby, you are on a mission to do one thing and one thing only! Survive the crazy dangerous glass bridge challenge from the Squid Game, where players have a 1% chance of passing it. Your main goal is to survive the bridge while at the same time competing against other players who are trying to finish t before you.
The game is entirely free. However, some in-game items and equipment that, when unlocked early, can give you a massive advantage over other players and help you win the game.
So, today on JoinGames, we have something that will help make your game more fun and exciting! Being a fan of the game ourselves! So, we thought it’s only fair to share our latest working 99% Fail Impossible Obby codes with you.
So, read on, and you’ll learn how to get and redeem the latest 99% Fail Impossible Obby promo codes, which can be exchanged to get free money, coins, equipment, and other in-game perks.
How Do I Redeem Codes In 99% Fail Impossible Obby?
It’s pretty simple to use our 99% Fail Impossible Obby codes; follow the step we listed for you below, and you’ll be good to go.
- First, launch 99% Fail Impossible Obby( you can do this through whatever platform you are playing on)
- Press the settings icon (gear icon) at your screen’s bottom right corner.
- Copy one of our Escape 99% Fail Impossible Obby codes and paste it into the Redeem box.
- Then Click the Confirm button to apply your code and collect your reward.
Escape 99% Fail Impossible Obby Codes List [October 2022]
Below you’ll find a complete list of all Fail Impossible Obby codes that are active and available to redeem to get a bunch of exclusive and fun in-game rewards.
New Fail Impossible Obby Codes October 2022:
Here are all the working 99% Fail Impossible Obby codes:
- TH99%GG → Redeem this code to get 340 in-game Money
- HOODENPM2022 → Redeem this code to get 340 Coins
- AUGUCODEME → Redeem this code to get Random equipment
- STREETYCODE77 → Redeem this code to get a random God character
- SUITACKLO5 → Redeem this code to get 500 in-game rewards
All expired Fail Impossible Obby codes in 2022
The following is a list of all expired codes and the rewards they were previously redeemed for. Any codes listed above will automatically be relocated to this section as soon as they expire:
- 99%D̶E̶N̶B̶M̶B̶ ̶
- G̶̶̶R̶̶̶ZA̶̶̶N̶̶̶M̶̶̶D̶̶̶A̶̶̶B̶̶̶R̶̶̶T̶̶̶H̶̶̶ ̶̶̶ ̶
- A̶4C̶GI̶̶̶E̶̶̶R̶̶̶U̶̶̶N̶̶̶ ̶̶̶ ̶
- C̶A̶55D̶E̶B̶M̶B̶ ̶̶̶ ̶
- I̶̶̶XL̶̶̶AF̶̶̶U̶̶̶5N̶̶̶4̶̶̶5̶̶̶8̶̶̶ ̶̶̶ ̶
- E̶̶̶X̶̶̶C̶̶̶A̶̶̶4P̶̶̶E̶̶̶J̶̶̶A̶̶̶I̶̶̶L̶̶̶ ̶̶̶ ̶
- I̶̶̶GP̶̶̶L̶̶̶VGU̶̶̶N̶̶̶4̶̶̶5̶̶̶8̶̶̶ ̶̶̶ ̶
- E̶̶̶X̶̶̶C̶̶̶A̶̶̶P̶̶̶E̶̶̶J̶̶̶A̶̶̶I̶̶̶L̶̶̶ ̶̶̶ ̶
- A̶L̶RVV5̶4̶G̶L̶̶̶ ̶̶̶ ̶
- R̶̶̶U̶̶̶N̶̶̶B̶̶̶O̶̶̶I̶̶̶7R̶̶̶U̶̶̶5̶̶̶
- A̶856H̶5A̶5̶4̶G̶L̶̶̶ ̶̶̶ ̶
- R̶̶̶U̶̶̶N̶̶̶GB̶̶̶7O̶̶̶I̶̶̶R̶̶̶U̶̶̶5̶̶̶
Game FAQs

What Is 99% Fail Impossible Obby?
Launched in September 2021, 99% Fail Impossible Obby is a super popular Roblox game where you have to walk through a bridge glass track, inspired by the Netflix hit series Squid Game. Throughout the game, you’ll compete with other players to see who’ll be the first to make it to the finish line and be the winner.
How Do I Play 99% Fail Impossible Obby?
- Log into your Roblox account.
- Visit the 99% Fail Impossible Obby game page by following the link.
- Press the big green play button.
- Create your Fail Impossible Obby in-game character if you haven’t already.
- Start playing & have fun!

How & Where do I get more 99% Fail Impossible Obby?
To get more Fail Impossible Obby codes, you can visit our website every day to see if we’ve added any new codes or follow the official Thy Hood social media accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.
This way, you’ll be the first to receive the latest news and game updates and even be able to catch up and engage with other fans and players of the game.
Why Aren’t My 99% Fail Impossible Obby Codes Working?
Like all Roblox game codes, Thy Hood codes can only be used for a limited period, so the sooner you use them, the better.
Also, note that the codes listed above are case-sensitive. You should input them precisely as shown above, including any additional characters or upper and lower case letters.
There you have it, our list of all the available Roblox 99% Fail Impossible Obby codes for this month. So hurry up! Redeem them and enjoy your free rewards; you can share them with your friends to enjoy the game together.
Should any of the codes in this list cease to work, please do not hesitate to notify us immediately via the comment section below, as doing so will help us ensure our list of codes is active and up to date.
Also, If you find new codes we missed on our list, please feel free to share them in the comments section below.
Before you leave, we invite you to subscribe to our weekly newsletter, bookmark this page so you can drop by another time, and collect some newly released promo codes.
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