Best Funny Discord TTS Messages and Bot Songs

Looking for some funny Discord TTS (text-to-speech messages)? or perhaps you want to troll the server with some “tts copypasta” bot songs? Either ways, we’ve got you covered.

If you didn’t know already, tts is a term most gamers, and online chatters use, and it stands for “text to speech” and all sorts of bots mainly use it to facilitate mass communication.

Like other platforms, Discord isn’t only a place for gamers to socialize and hang out together; it’s also a perfect choice to troll and have some fun.

That’s why today on Joingames, we’ve prepared a list of the best and funniest Discord tts messages, beatbox, songs, and much more. So without further ado, let’s get right into it.

TOP 20 Funny Discord TTS Messages & Songs/Beatbox

Here are the best and funniest Discord text-to-speech messages:

Lurl Sound

This tts is one of the classics and always managed to get a reaction

/tts lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl

Bois Bois Bois

As you can tell, this tts is for the BOIIIIS

/tts Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois


This is yet another troll tts, mainly used in Discord raids

/tts :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a:

The Lawnmower tts

Lawnmower sound is one the funniest Discord tts and for a good reason; you never see it coming.

/tts The lawnmower goes shersheeeeeeerrerererereeeerrr vavavoom sherererererere and Rice burners go wowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow


This tts is for all the anime fans out there, a very handy one to use if you find yourself in a Discord channel full of weebs

/tts anununununununununununuunununununununuununununununununu

@@@ Beatbox tts

The Beatbox tts had to make it to our list; it always made me laugh when I hear it

/tts @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

oolu Lulu lulu tts copypasta

Another tts copypasta, only this time it’s the anime-themed ooluuluu

/tts oolu Lulu lulu. Ollulu lulu. Oooluululu lulu. oolu Lulu lulu. Ollulu lulu. Oooluululu lulu. oolu Lulu lulu. Ollulu lulu. Oooluululu lulu

Dog tts barking

This one is for the animal lovers, and it’s mostly used when trying to troll someone who speaks non-stop.

/tts bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow bhow

Cat sound tts

Another animal tts, is the cat sound, which is used mostly as a way to show cuteness.

/tts meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

 bananananana Discord tts

The famouse Baaanaanaa tts, this one is by far the most popular tts ever

/tts bananananananabanabananabanannanabanananana


Another popular tts, it’s helicopter themed, and you can use it to make loud songs and sounds in your Discord server

/tts My ROFLCopter goes soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi

That’s it for today; make sure to bookmark this page and get back to it often so you don’t miss out on any Discord funny tts we add later. Also, remember that before you can use the tts option, you’ll have to enable it.

JoinGames Staff