Are you on the hunt for the latest active Temtem Codes? Which you can redeem to obtain a bunch of free in-game rewards? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Released in January 2020, Temtem is a unique MMO RPG game developed by Crema and published by Humble Bundle. The game can be played on multiple platforms, including Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X and Series S, PlayStation 5, and PC.
In this game, you take on the role of a rookie Temtem tamer who embarks on their journey across the six floating islands of the Airborne Archipelago while battling the menace of Clan Belsoto, an evil entity that plans to take over the islands by violence.
Temtem is under development with a planned full release date of September 6, 2022. This means players should be prepared for new features, exciting plots, and many rewards.
Although Temtem is not a completely pay-to-win game, there are some in-game features and perks that, when obtained early, can give you a slight advantage in your quests, be it more coins, new Temtems, mythical gear, and more.
That’s why today, on JoinGames, being a fan of this game and one of its Kickstarter backers, we get to have an inside look, as well as receive some Temtem codes that we will be sharing with you today, which you can collect and redeem to get exciting rewards like Pansuns, Temtems, items, and multiple more exclusive in-game prizes.
Just read on, and you’ll learn exactly where to get the latest and always active promo codes and how to redeem them successfully.

Game Information
- Title – Temtem
- Publisher – Humble Bundle, Crema
- Initial release date: January 22, 2020
- Genre – Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
- Platforms – Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X and Series S, PlayStation 5, PC
How To Redeem Temtem Codes 2022
Using these codes, you can redeem multiple rewards and even get free Pansuns, Temtems, items, and lots of equipment. Just follow these simple steps to redeem Temtem codes:
- But, first, you open the game (on whatever platform you use).
- Next, copy one of the Temtem codes listed below, and paste it into the redemption field.
- Finally, press the “Submit” button to apply your codes and redeem the reward.
Temtem Codes List [October 2022]
As you will soon find out, we have listed all the available and active free promo codes you can use in Temtem. To redeem them, you can easily follow the step we mentioned earlier.
Active Temtem codes:
- TG4-NBY-2M4 → Redeem this code for a chance to get 300 Pansuns
- 8E9-KFH-M2 → Redeem this code for a chance to get In-game rewards
- 4T2-JMM-359 → Redeem this code for a chance to get a random Items
- C49-JEM-8T5 → Redeem this code for a chance to get 200 Pansuns
- TT4-NZY-0E4 → Redeem this code for a chance to unlock new Temtems
Expired Temtem Codes:
- J̶2̶D̶x̶_r̶O̶3̶r̶
- g̶G̶d̶P̶1̶M̶g̶W̶
- C̶O̶m̶_k̶a̶7̶o̶R̶
- h̶R̶M̶_O̶g̶H̶2̶1̶
- p̶0̶B̶y̶_6̶L̶4̶w̶
- d̶3̶v̶B̶_J̶N̶w̶p̶
- L̶0̶R̶o̶_Y̶n̶B̶S̶
- l̶f̶Y̶U̶_d̶G̶x̶0̶
Temtem codes are only redeemable for a very short window. Thus, you should hurry and redeem them as soon as possible.
Keep in mind that the codes listed above are case-sensitive. That means they must be entered exactly as shown above, including any additional upper and lower case characters or letters.
Should any of the codes in this list cease to work, please do not hesitate to notify us immediately via the comment section below, as doing so will help us ensure our list of codes is active and up to date.
So there you have it, the most recent and active Temtem codes list for this month. So go ahead, redeem them and enjoy your free rewards; you can share them with your friends, so you all enjoy the game together.
While you’re at, you may want to add this page to your bookmarks so you can drop by another time and collect some newly released promo codes.
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